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Adventure Rec Course

Adventure Rec

Adventure Rec offers groups many challenging team building experiences.


These courses are designed for groups to

  • experience physical challenge

  • develop a willingness to try new things

  • increase confidence and self-esteem

  • develop a willingness to accept failure

  • build trust within a group

  • develop a cooperative attitude

  • cultivate a cooperative attitude

  • learn conflict resolution skills

  • encourage a sense of belonging

WorldSong offers ropes courses for fourth graders through adults. All ropes courses are facilitated by trained and certified staff. 

  • Groups begin with an initial-level trust game and initiatives that lead up to the more challenging Low and High Ropes Courses.

  • During debriefing, students evaluate their efforts and discover lessons applicable to their lives.

The High Ropes Course involves elements that are fifteen to twenty feet off the ground. Students wear a harness and belaying attachments as they move through the High Ropes Course. Students are attached to the belay device from the time they leave the ground until they are back on the ground. This course is facilitated by trained and certified staff. We ask that your group has a minimum of 25 in order to use the High Ropes Course.

The Low Ropes Course includes (must have a minimum of 15 people to use the Low Ropes Course)

  • moving a group over a ten foot wall

  • walking along cables eighteen inches off the ground with only a rope for balance

  • walking across a swinging log

  • getting a group through a tire porthole

  • getting a group across several tires suspended a few feet from the ground

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