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Student Missions Weekend

A weekend devoted to Missions & Ministry for guys and girls in grades 7-12

This event is a great time for guys and girls in grades 7-12 and their leaders to bond while serving and learning about missions together. The weekend includes Bible Study, worship, and fun camp activities. Students will hear from summer missionaries and learn what missions opportunities are available for them in their next phase of life.



January 17-18, 2025
WorldSong Missions Place
Cook Springs, AL 


Registration Deadline:
anuary 10 


Sample Schedule


7:00 PM - Check-in

8:00 PM - Opening Worship

9:30 PM - Group Time



8:00 - Breakfast

8:30 - Morning Worship

9:30 - Rotations

12:30 - Lunch

1:30 - Mission Encounter

2:30 - Closing Worship


Student Missions Weekend concludes

Saturday at 3:00 p.m.

For more information email Donnarose Clark at or call 334-613-2225

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