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Camper Prayer Partner
2023 Missions Adventure Camp

Prayer is such a vital part of our ministry at WorldSong. This is especially true for our mission campers during the summer. Children and teenagers come to camp with many burdens. Camp is a safe place, free from distractions that allows them to hear from God. This is also the first time many will meet a missionary, learn about God’s heart for a lost world and respond. Your prayers matter.


This year you will be assigned a cabin of campers to pray for.  Assigning by cabin will ensure every camper is being prayed for. Thank you for being willing to change with us and for taking on this important ministry.

  • In May your group will be assigned a cabin of campers to pray for. Each cabin may have up to 12 campers. You will be asked to pray for this group of campers all Summer.

  • You will also be assigned a week to send encouragement cards to the campers in your cabin. We will need you to send at least 12 encouragement notes, this will ensure that each camper receives a note.  You may send more than 12 cards but, we ask that they be in multiples of 12. This ensures that each camper in the cabin gets the same amounts of cards. (So, it would be 12 cards, or 24 cards, or 36 cards, etc.)

Until you receive your assigned cabin. Here is how you can be praying with us:

  • Pray that churches and parents will see the value and excitement of missions camping and send their children.

  • Pray the children attending camp will be open and tender to what God will reveal to them this summer.

  • Pray for Ms. Hali and the 2023 camp staff as they prepare their hearts spiritually for the ministry ahead.

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